last fast fact about Australia:
Australia has 7,686,850 km square of land which makes it the 6th
largest country in the world but it is populated by only 21,885,016
people while Malaysia has a population of 28,310,000 but
it only has329,845 km square of land (66th largest country in the world)
Most locals aren't even aware that you can actually enjoy
a good old fish spa in Kuching!!! When you talk about
fish spas or any type of spa, one would expect to obtain
such a service in a spa centre or a health club but the
175° Cafe in China Town, Kuching actually offers the
service for FREE!!!
175° Cafe:

All you have to do is order some food or a simple
drink and you can enjoy the fish spa for as long as you
wish!!! The front part of the cafe looks like any ordinary

But..... the back part of the cafe is truly extraordinary:

Nice waterfall:

About 50 skin eating fishies call this place home:

Just dip your feet into the water.....

and... the hungry fishies would rush towards your feet
and nibble off all the dead skin:

It was quite ticklish at first but you will soon get used to
it. It was actually quite relaxing when your used to it:

Fish spa vid clip:
There was something about Andy's feet alright:

Whenever he dips his feet into the water, a whole swarm
of fish would rush towards his feet almost instantaneously.
It's like his feet are fish magnets!!! Sometimes, we have
to ask him to leave as almost all the fish would leave
other people's feet for his! Maybe his feet were the
smelliest XD:

fishies attacking Andy's feet:
Me enjoying the spa:

KM and I:

Andy and Eng:

Eng and Joyce:

Time for me hands to get eaten:

Group photo:

Dinner at Fork And Knife

Hmmmm.... what was Andy looking at???

This will be a must for me .. in 4 weeks :)