My mum did not join me and my dad for this trip due
to the long distance
Fast Facts: Wave Rock is located 360 kms east of Perth
Total distance traveled on day 4: 800 kms
As you can see on the map below, my first stop was York,
second stop was the town of Hyden, then Wave Rock and
onto Babakin:

The town of York basically looks like a cowboy town with
all the cowboy era buildings:
Post office:
Court House:
Motor Museum:
Inside the museum (I only took one shot cause I had to
pay if I entered the rest of the museum/back of that wall):
The town's main street:
Don't let the bright sunny day with blue skies fool you,
it was chilly alright (about 15c):
Get gas here:
Town hall:
Emu Farm:
Emu Oil is good for your skin:
After visiting York, he hit the outback again and let me
tell you, Indonesia and Malaysian arn't the only countries
that conduct open burning to make the ground fertile.
Aussies do it too you know? Look how black the ground
is after burning it:
Vast open outback:
starring into nothingness again:
Video clip of the outback:
Back in the 70's, a farmer had a very good and loyal
sheepdog called Strike and when it died, the farmer
wanted to bury his precious dog in a human cemetery
but the council did not allow him to do so. So, he converted
a small part of his farm into the first ever dog cemetery
in Australia:
The cemetery is basically located in the middle of nowhere:
Doggy graves:
Salt defective land (anything that tries to grow there will
Cool looking building in the middle of nowhere:
Hippo's yawn:
Hippo's yawn is basically a rock formation shaped like
a hippopotamus yawning:
Back in aboriginal times, every pregnant woman would
come here to give birth due to some spiritual reason:
Inside the hippo's mouth:
This rock formation right next to the hippo is shaped like
an elephant:
A beautiful pond filled with black swans right next to the
place we stopped for lunch:
Black swan:
Wild cockatoos on a tree:
Another emu:
Finally we arrived at wave rock:
Wave rock is basically a gigantic wave shaped rock/hill:
me posing in front of wave rock:
Look how tiny I am compared to the gigantic rock
The view from on top wave rock was just amazing:
view from on top wave rock:
Amazing scenery behind me:
Breath taking view from on top wave rock:
Looking down on wave rock:
Video clip of the view on top wave rock:
That's my dad standing up there:
After visiting wave rock, we went to Mulka's cave by using
this here dirt road:
Mulka's story: During aboriginal times, the aboriginals
got married through arranged marriages
and weren't allowed to freely choose who
they wanted marry but one couple who
were so deeply in love with each other
decided not to obey their tradition and
got married despite not being arranged
to do so. They had a son called Mulka who
was born cross eyed. Mulka was banished
from the tribe because the aboriginals
believed that anyone who was borned
cross eyed is evil. So, Mulka found a cave
which is now known as Mulka's cave
and settled down. Unfortunately, Mulka
decided to become a cannibal and would
sneak into villages at night to kidnap
children which we would later eat. Mulka
was eventually hunted down and killed.
Till this day, the aboriginals dare not
come near this cave because they believe
that the cave is evil and those who visit it
would become evil as well. So, I suppose
that I am evil now muahahahahahaha!!!
My dad standing in front of Mulka's cave:
Inside Mulka's cave:
Mu guide Stuart told us the story of Mulka a.k.a Mulka
the terrible while he sat on that rock:
Ancient aboriginal paintings which are way older than
Mulka could be found in the cave :
Mulka probably slept here:
After visiting Mulka's cave, we hit the outback again
and entered the region of the outback where countless
wheat farms are located:
Just beautiful:
Some sheep grazing:
Sunset over the outback:
As we were about to enter the town of Babakin,
the tour guide said this: Welcome to the
GREAT METROPOLIS of Babakin, Population: 6 people.
The town consists of a town hall which is as big as a big
bedroom, a small cafe (infront of the coach), a rest house,
a primary school and 3 houses. The primary school has
11 students as it caters to neighboring settlements
as well:
We drove into the sunset and headed back to Perth:
Our in-coach movie was Mr Bean. Hey, they had to let
us watch something for the 4 hour ride home:
...........................To Be Continued...............................
Sweet! XD
ReplyDeleteWestern Australia is totally barren! Woah, hardly any greenery at all! Haha.