if you don't believe me, you can go read The Star
by yourself. You can find the article on page F 20
of the October 4th (Sunday) edition of the paper
which is under the focus section.
Sooo, If you did not read the papers, you can check
out my summary of the article:
Meet Adian. The leader of the Bendera terrorist

The Indonesian terrorist group called Bendera lead by
Adian vowed to crush Malaysia. Why? Because....
According to them, malaysians have exhausted the
patience of the people of Indonesia.
The list included claiming Indonesian islands (Sipadan,
Ligitan and Jemur); stealing Indonesian cultural heritage
(food like rendang, songs like rasa sayang sayange, injit
injit semut, Burung kakak tua, and Anak kambing saya,
and the pendet dance)
But, the main reason is abusing Indonesian workers.
Adian named 34 people including Nirmala Bonat who
was abused with a hot iron, hot water, and a metal
cup by her employer in 2004.
Adian even said this: If all 26 million Malaysians keep
keep silent about other Malaysians
abusing Indonesians, they are all jahat.
Now... why do I think that Adian's plan is crazy and that
it will never work??? Well, read his attack plan:
Adian: Six weeks ago, 10 Bendera spies slipped into Malaysia
to build a network among Indonesian workers. These
Indonesian James bonds managed to convince 1.45
million Indonesian Maids, Construstion, and plantation
workers to burn their workplace when Bendera launches
its confrontation on Malaysia.
The problem here is that it will cost Bendera Rm 145,000 just
to sms 1.45 million Indonesian Workers assuming the spies have
all their phone numbers and an sms costs 10 cents. When asked
on this flaw, Adian flashed his crooked teeth and said we've got
our ways to communicate.
The funny, ridiculous, and somewhat interesting part of the
attack plan:
On Oct 8, Adian Claimed, about 300 Indonesians trained
in "ilmu Kebal" (black magic) which makes them invincible
to sharp objects and bullets would invade Malaysia by
attacking Malaysian towns in the island of Borneo where
Indonesia's Kalimantan and Malaysia's Sabah And Sarawak
are located.
From Pontianak (in Kalimantan) we will cross to Kuching
in Sarawak and capture it. And then we will move on the
next town. In six to eight months, Bendera would conquer
Kuala Lumpur! said Adian.
Bendera's vigilantes armed with sharpened bamboo sticks
blocking a road to search for Malaysians in Jakarta:

Oh come on!!! conquering Malaysia
with people armed with black magic which makes them
invincible to bullets and sharp objects??? Give me break!
Your nuts!!! Your so called army is gonna engage in a
suicide mission! That is... if you're actually serious
about invading Malaysia.
If your army posses the power to shield themselves from
bullets, why didn't the people of Indonesia use it to
defend themselves from the Dutch invasion in 1602?
In conclusion, I think that there is a 99% chance that
the Bendera Vigilantes won't even attack at all!!!
Please leave me your comments and tell me your thoughts
on this matter. Thanks!!!
yeah...its totally ridiculuous...very ungrateful bastard...He is damn poor tats why he is depress...Im sure if he is offered lots of money to improve his hut in his village and his kids are given scholarships by the gov to study abroad..believe me..He might turn out to be "one ungrateful bastard whose life is improved yet doesnt seem to care about his own villagers even!!!"...
ReplyDeleteupdate : few weeks ago they actually went in sarawak. they we're spotted in my friends village. they didnt dare to do shit in that village tho. Seriously if they do something in the bidayuh village they'll get fcked by the other villages they we're last seen leaving the village with cars apparently they we're probably lost and they actually dont know where to go from there.