doors in Kuching in more than 10 years!!!
MBO is no ordinary cineplex because it's
really big and famous in west Malaysia!
So, Gary and I blasted off to spring last
Saturday to check the brand new cineplex
out as we could barely contain our excitement!
MBO now open!!!:

Main entrance:

Huge MBO logo right next to the entrance:

Ticket counter:

Now.... what movie did we watch??? We watched Gamer
ofcourse because.... according to this Borneo post add,
Gamer is in digital 3D!!!!:

But, when I asked the ticket clerk whether if Gamer is really
in 3D, I sure was disappointed to hear a big fat "NO!"
Right after I was done asking the question, that guy in
white shirt (with the kid) said: May I please talk to your
manager?.... Then when the manager arrived, that guy
said: Why isn't Gamer in 3d??? I brought my family here
to experience your 3d movies! Why did the Borneo Post say
that it's in 3d if it isn't??? The manager said: Sorry sir,
it was a printing error! We will not screen any 3d movies
for atleast another 2 weeks. Then the guy went: then I
demand a written apology on the newspaper then!
Manager: okok! The manager is the one with the censored
eyes btw:

Confection stand:

Main hallway:

Portrait of Marilyn Monroe outside
the ladies restroom:

And Charlie Chaplin outside the guy's:

The bad thing about MBO is that you have to wait outside
this here gate before you could enter the lobby which
leads you to the cineplex halls. They will actually collect
your tickets here instead of the hall entrances like star.
What's so bad about it? As you can see, the gate is real
small and everyone must queue up infront of it in order
to get in which causes a huge traffic jam. As you can see,
there are 8 halls and they won't let you enter the gate
unless your hall number is flashing:

After you enter the gate, you have to climb this here fancy

Check the chandeliers out:

Lobby outside the halls:

Another section of the lobby with GC at the right:

Yes! We watched Gamer!!!:

Gamer was quite a good movie but this is the
best scene in the movie!!! Now, everyone knows
that the tv series Heroes is going downhill but
it's like Milo Ventimiglia (Peter Petrelli) is unaware
of that fact and he actually agreed to to play
Rick Rape in the movie Gamer. Rick Rape is
actually a Moonraker, silver grill, with a latex outfit
making him look like a bumblebee. but I think that
he is just some sex maniac/psycho!!! I have no doubt
that this scene is gonna ruin his(Milo's) carrier and
pull Heroes down with it.
This here video clip is a must watch for WJJ and all
Heroes fans out there!!!:
In the middle of a fight scene, the frame rate started to
slow down and you could see the edges of the film with
the holes on both ends. at that point, everyone in the
hall thought that it was part of the movie, like a special
effect... until, the projector started to make a strange sound
and... all of a sudden, the screen turned black:

Everyone started laughing after the screen turned black
because everyone thought that it was part of the movie
until the screen turned black that is. The ushers came in
and checked the problem out:

The projectionist trying to solve the problem:

So... everyone went out of the hall and the same manager
came and said: sorry! we're still new... there was a
production error. Then, that guy at the far left demanded
a refund from the manager(the one with the censored eyes)
The manager said: you guys have 2 options here.
Option 1: for those of you who wish to continue the movie,
you may proceed to the premiere class hall(1st class hall)
and continue the movie. Yes! they upgraded us due to the
technical error. Option 2: you may proceed to the ticket
counter and exchange your ticket for a ticket to another
movie for free!:

People leaving hall 5 for the premiere class hall:

what's so special about premiere class? You get to sit
in these huge comfy reclining chairs with extra large cup

So, we took option 1 but, the movie didn't start from the
point it stopped and it was like we missed about 15-30mins
of footage. The bad thing was.... The movie ended like
less than 10 mins after we entered the premiere hall.
Gary and I were not happy about that! So, we went down
to the ticket counter and got our tickets exchanged for
tickets to watch District 9!!! So, we ended up taking
both options in the end!!!
We had lot's of time to kill before District 9 starts. So,
we had dinner and did some window shopping.
Spring's second floor sure looks good:

K Box coming soon!!! woohoo!!!!!

Remember what I told you about traffic jams outside
the gate? Here's what it looked like:

District 9 was a comedy alright!!! They called the aliens
prawns!!! cause they look like prawns!!! lol!!! Btw,
District 9 is really good and I really recommend it!!!

By the time District 9 ended, the mall was closed
and I've never seen the mall sooo empty
and quiet before:

Hey!!! We were lucky alright!!! We watched 2
movies for the price of 1 and got upgraded for
free!!! The tickets for new movies like Gamer
cost RM11 Btw!