As for day 6, I paid the Margaret river region a visit.
Most if not all the travel catalogs advertised this full day
tour package by using a big "Margaret River" heading
and at first I thought that Margaret River was a huge
and beautiful river but don't be fooled as Margaret River
no wider than a monsoon drain in Kuching. Plus, I did
not even get a chance to take a picture of Margaret river
as it takes the coach less than a few seconds to zoom
across the bridge which connects the two sides of the
Fast Facts: Total distance traveled on Day 6: 850 kms
The stops I made on this trip:

When I woke up on day 6, I felt that something was not
right!!! It was bloody cold!!!
I remember taking this very cold journey to the city like
it was yesterday:
On the highway leading into the city:
When I was waiting out in the open for the coach to arrive,
I actually put my jacket on for the first and last time in
Perth as it was really chilly. It was 7 C that morning.
So, as we headed south, The scenery was a lot greener
as the southern regions receive more rains:
Lot's of green pine trees at the background:
Fast Facts: Perth has an average annual rainfall of
800+ mm
while kuching has an average annual rainfall of
4,200 mm.
We stopped at a bakery which was in the middle of
nowhere for morning tea. I was eating a black chocolate
muffin by the way. And yeah, It was warm enough to
take my jacket off by then:
Just outside the Margaret river region, We stumbled
upon a thick cloud of haze as the farmers were burning
their fields to make them fertile like Indonesia. I won't
be surprise if those cows on the field get lung diseases:
The haze eventually cleared as we approached the
Margaret river wine region:
The Margaret river region is famous for it's fine wines
due to the perfect soil and climate conditions. Check
out the vineyards:
Endless vineyards:
Beautiful garden outside the Xanadu Winery:
Xanadu's vineyards:
Inside the winery:
A beautiful open field just outside the winery:
Me tasting some wine in the winery:
After visiting the winery, We headed to the Eagles
heritage raptor centre for lunch.
To answer Gary's question, here is a picture of the food
I ate for lunch. If you wanna enjoy the buffet picnic lunch,
all you have to do is to pay an extra 16 AUD and you can
eat as much as you can. the food is actually loaded onto
the baggage compartment of the coach and when it's
time for lunch, the tour guide will unload the lunch from
coach onto wherever we're eating. The reason why the
coach brings along the food is there aren't restaurants
to buy food at most of the places we stop for lunch. The
food is actually pretty good but it is always cold by the
time we had lunch. the buffet includes roasted chicken,
hard boil eggs, potato salad, lot's of ham, salami, meat
balls and some other stuff that I don't remember. The
real problem is... you have to eat almost the same food
everyday, they might only change one item from the
menu each day, i wonder how the guide deals with the
same food everyday (Picture from catalog):

If you do not like the picnic lunch, you can always upgrade
to the lobster lunch but you have to pay an extra 31 AUD
instead of 16 AUD:

So, after lunch, we had a guided tour of the Eagles
Heritage Raptor centre. This centre only keeps injured
birds which were rescued
They tried to release this particular eagle back into the
wild but since that these birds can fly at high speeds,
this eagle managed to follow the car back to the centre
and when the people who released the eagle arrived back
at the centre, the eagle was waiting for them on it's cage:
An owl (darn fence):
Some nice birds:
Birds 101:
after teaching us a few things about that relatively small
bird from the pic above, she finally called out the big
eagles and gave us an "eagle free flight" display.
what she did was toast some food into the air and eagles
would just dive/zoom down and eat the food during
mid flight (while still flying in the air). Those eagles were
so fast that i wasn't able to get any still pictures of them so
here is a clip of their free flight display:
After the display, we hit the outback again:
We headed to the Mammoth Cave which is located in
dense forests. It looks pretty much like Malaysia:
Mammoth cave entrance:
A few steps into the cave:
You will get an image like this if you use a normal cam:
But with my night vision cam, you get incredibly bright
images like this one:
And this one:
This one too:
But... the down side is... you need a tripod stand to take
sharp images. since that i don't have one, I have to try
to hold my hand as still as possible or it will result in a
blur pic:
Just beautiful:
They sure look like fancy chandeliers don't they:
Some lime stone formations behind me:
After visiting the cave, we made a brief stop to take a few
snap shots of these amazing gigantic trees:
So, after a few hours ride, the Indian Ocean was finally
That's the Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse:
Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse:
Let me tell you something, Cape Leeuwin was the most
beautiful and breathtaking place I've visited throughout
my entire trip. It looks a little like New Zealand you
Know? :
Beautiful scenery behind my dad:
Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse:
The lighthouse and I:
Breathtaking blue blue water:
Awesome eeeh?
Waves crashing onto the rocks:
Can you find my dad?
Vid clip of Cape Leeuwin:
Fast facts: The Indian and Southen Oceans meet at
Cape Leeuwin.
Fast Facts: Cape Leeuwin is most south western point of
mainland australia:
Amazing view behind me:
The south pole is just 5,435 kms away from here:
My dad and the lighthouse behind him:
Breathtaking scenery:
Crashing waves behind me:
just awesome:
me again:
The 3 houses on the left were the quarters of the men
who took care of/operated the lighthouse back in the old
days. The last man who lived in those houses did so untill
the late 80's:
Sun's reflection on the ocean:
After visiting the lighthouse, we arrived at the Busselton
Vid Clip of Busselton Jetty:
Blur pics of the jetty behind me:
Beautiful sunset behind the jetty:
Me on the jetty,
I did not walk till the end of the jetty if that's what your
asking cause it was late and I had to rush back to the
restaurant for dinner:
Beautiful sunset behind me:
That's the restaurant behind me (building with lights):
How the jetty looks like during the day:

Fast facts: The Busselton Jetty is the longest jetty
in the southern hemisphere.
As I wonder, why didn't they make the jetty straight?
(Pic from Flickr):

Now that's my dinner!!!! Perth's famous Fish And chips:

I enjoyed this wonderful sunset while I was enjoying my

Day 7:
It was a beautiful day... Lot's and lot's of blue skies...
so... my mum decided to take a walk around the
neighbourhood. Western neighbourhoods sure are
different from eastern ones eeh? Without the fences and
My uncle decided to take us to Bunnings which is
basically a gigantic hardware store:

It's like a hardware store the size of a hypermarket
It is afterall a warehouse:

It's like... you can find everything related to home,
home improvement, building material, tools, machineries
etc here:

We headed to Fremantle later on.
Vid clip of a street in Fremantle:
The Fremantle Market:
Me walking in the fruit section. The Fremantle market
was kinda big but I only took 2 pics of the interior of the
market. Why??? Because at that point, I've got tired of
taking pics. Look how grumpy my face was. I didn't
take any pics of the market's clothes, souvenir, nick nacks,
and cafe sections. There was even a band performing
at the cafe section. Why all Why didn't I take a pic of
We finally went for lunch at this here restaurant and guess
what are they famous for???
Fish and chips ofcourse!!!!
Fast facts: perth is world famous for it's fish and chips
and it's chili mussels but I did not know about
the mussels before Rachelle told me about it
like a few weeks after I came home. So, I did not
try the muscles out.
We had this great view of the Swan River at the restaurant:
Us eating F&C:
Actually, there was a marina right beside the restaurant:
This restaurant (right next door) is also famous for it's
F&C and had a larger
amount of custormers but we did not eat there cause
we did not wanna wait for like hrs for F&C:
As soon as someone leaves, the sea galls will surely come
to eat what's left:
That's the uncle (yellow shirt) who brought us there
and to the sightseeing centre every morning:
Blur pic of me:
Classical car on the road:
some boats:
The Marina:
there were like tons of cockatoos playing at this here
railway track just opposite the restaurant:
After lunch, we went to Westfield carousel which is the
largest shopping mall in perth to do some shopping:
Inside the mall:
There is an Imax cinema inside but I did not have the
time to catch a flick:

Some of the many departmental stalls in the mall:

As we were heading home, we saw this huge truck
transporting tons of sheep:
The sheep inside the truck:
We went to this chinese restaurant for dinner and their
business was awesome!!! As you can see from the pic,
the custormers have to wait outside in the cold if there
arn't any available tables and it was pretty chilly that night
but i was still wearing my short sleeve shirt but I
overheard that that gal in the leather jacket has been
living in Perth for 2 years already and she was shivering
even with that jacket on:
Tune in next time for a very very special edition of my
Perth Vacation series as it is not only the grand finale but
a very very special Gust star might just make an appearance
in my next entry!!!!!
..............................To Be Continued..............................
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